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Breast Enhancement Pills and resource guide. Natural Enlargement of your breasts, as well as Breast added More:
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Natural weight loss and losing weight naturally is a challenge that a lot bravely. More:
How to Lose Weight
Weight loss isn't always easy and it helps to learn what weight loss is all about. More:
Bariatric Surgery
Once considered an issue of vanity, obesity is now considered a disease and has been linked with increased mortality and comorbidities. Simply put, obesity is the state of having too much adipose tissue. With the obesity-related disorders some of which life-threatening, such as gallbladder disease, sleep apnea, urinary incontinence, cancer, diverticulitis, intracranial hypertension and musculoskeletal disorders, the disease needs immediate clinical efforts to avoid them. Certain surgical procedures, known as Bariatric Surgery, are available to treat morbid obesity. The surgeons who perform the surgical procedures on the patients are Bariatric surgeons.

Bariatric surgery, also known as wight loss surgery, is a clinical procedure performed to treat obesity by modification of gastrointestinal tract in order to reduce food intake and absorption. Bariatric surgery may help attain healthy weight to those patients who are morbidly obese and are unable to achieve weight loss through dieting and exercise. For the patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater who instituted but failed diet programs and adequate exercise, bariatric surgery is a treatment option.

It is also recommended for those patients who have developed obesity-related conditions such as diabetes, sleep apnea and hypertension. Bariatric surgeons undertakes the surgical treatment of such patients. Bariatric surgery is a complex and intricate procedure with associated risks and thus calls for an experienced surgeon in bariatric surgery. The bariatric surgeon works with a comprehensive bariatric team comprising a bariatric nurse, a medical specialist, a dietician and a psychologist. As with any surgical procedures, the bariatric surgery also has some associated risks. Although very low (0.2%), there is a mortality rate linked with the surgery. The bariatric surgeon ensur

Health Hazards of morbid obesity
Severe obesity damages the body by its mechanical, metabolic and physiological adverse effects on normal bodily function. These "co-morbidities" affect nearly every organ in the body in some way, and produce serious secondary illnesses, which may also be life-threatening. The cumulative effect of these co-morbidities can interfere with a normal and productive life and can seriously shorten life, as well. The risk of developing these medical problems is proportional to the degree of obesity.

Simple or Total Mastectomy
With a simple or total mastectomy, the entire breast is removed, but no lymph nodes are removed in this procedure. Simple mastectomy is most frequently used for further cancer prevention or when the cancer does not go to the lymph nodes.

Modified Radical Mastectomy
  • People who are obese do not live as long as those who are not obese and the earlier a person become obese; the more years of life are lost.
  • Heart Disease Severely obese persons are approximately 6 times as likely to develop heart disease as those who are normal-weighted. Heart disease is the leading cause of death today and obese persons tend to develop it earlier in life and it shortens their lives.
  • High Blood Pressure Hypertension is much more common in obese persons and leads to development of heart disease, and damage to the blood vessels throughout the body, causing susceptibility to strokes, kidney damage, and hardening of the arteries.
  • High Blood Cholesterol.